Clinician only preconference workshops
Both of these workshops are at the same venue on 28th May. You can register for one workshop or both workshops for an entire day of eating disorders learning. Simply select both when registering at trybooking
CEED and ANZAED present:
‘Families and carers as allies in the treatment of eating disorders’ Presented by: Laura Collins Lyster-Mensh, Author & International Eating Disorder Advocate Virginia USA (click here for speaker biography) Belinda Caldwell, Carer Consultant, Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED), Melbourne Seminar Outline: Research evidence, practice guidelines and policy all highlight that families and carers are crucial members of the treatment team when caring for someone with an eating disorder. Two parents who have experienced the trials and tribulations of caring for a person with an eating disorder will co-present this interactive seminar. Laura and Belinda both have daughters who have recovered from Anorexia Nervosa, and have both used their experience as a platform to increase awareness, advocate, promote evidence based practice and develop pioneering support organisations for families nationally and internationally (Maudsley Parents and Families Empowered and Supporting Treatment of Eating Disorders or F.E.A.S.T.). During the seminar, Laura and Belinda will share their experiences, and clinicians will have the opportunity to discuss the insights and unique challenges of implementing and supporting treatment and recovery in the home, enabling them to more effectively collaborate with families and carers in their practice with adolescents and adults. The themes for discussion will include: • Advantages to your practice in enlisting families as treatment allies • The impact of receiving an eating disorder diagnosis for a loved one and how families may respond • What families need to hear to enable them to find their ‘mojo’ to do what it takes • Unintended outcomes of comments and messaging that can undermine or alienate parents/carers • The importance of preventing the eating disorder split or triangulate between clinicians and parents Date: Thursday 28 May 2015, 9.00am – 11.00am (breakfast 8.30am) Target Audience: Clinicians working in public and private mental health or eating disorder services, Eating Disorder Coordinators and ANZAED members. Venue: Poplar Learning Centre, Building D, Room 1 Orygen Youth Mental Health (OYH), NWMH Parkville Campus 35 Poplar Road, PARKVILLE, Victoria Cost: Buffet breakfast between 8.30am – 9.00am FREE to ANZAED members, $15 non- members Registrations: Go to: (For ANZAED members, your membership number is required at registration. Forgotten membership number? Email Applications close: C.O.B. Monday 18 May 2015 *** Please apply early – places are limited **** Seminar content enquiries: Rachel King – Ph: (03) 8387 2674 For administrative enquiries: Amira Campana, ph; (03) 8387 2673 or email: ![]()
The Victorian Centre of Excellence in Eating Disorders (CEED) hosts
"It Takes Two to Tangle - Dancing with Resistance " Presented by: Carolyn Costin, MA, MEd, MFT, Director of Monte Nido Treatment Center & Affiliates, California, USA (click here for speaker biography) Workshop outline Lying, avoiding, acting out and lack of motivation are aspects of treating eating disorders that are difficult to navigate through. How the therapist handles these things can make or break a therapeutic relationship and alter the course of therapy. Therapists can become frustrated, bored or even angry when working w ith resistant clients. What do they do with these feelings? How do therapists remain authentic, yet avoid inappropriate disclosure? Carolyn Costin, will share successful strategies she has used over three decades to move past resistance to recovery. Participants will learn: 1. Techniques for dealing with resistance. 2. Improved ways to spot resistance. 3. The concept of coming back to neutral. 4. Various forms of resistance. Date & Time: Thursday 28 May 2015, 11.30 am to 4.00 pm Target Audience: Health professionals working with consumers experiencing eating disorders Venue: Poplar Learning Centre Building D, Room 1 Orygen Youth Mental Health (OYH), NWMH Parkville Campus 35 Poplar Road, PARKVILLE, Victoria Cost: $95 (includes lunch) Registrations: Go to: Applications Close: C.O.B. Monday 18 May 2015 *** Please apply early – places are limited **** For workshop content enquiries: Claire Diffey, ph: (03) 8387 2668 or email: For administrative enquiries: Amira Campana, ph; (03) 8387 2673 or email: ![]()